Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekend Break

Rachel and I once again went out for the weekend to Noa's house. Already making ourselves at home with her parents and younger sister, I love going to see them all. They are by far the most awesome people to spend our very few weekends with. This weekend started out with EIE going to Tel Aviv to the mall. There I met one of my friend's friends. She was very cool. We spent a nice time in the mall, were me and Martine broke off quite a bit and walked around sporadically checked out stores. All of us then got back to the Kibbutz were I crashed! 
     The next morning was out Tikun Olam Project. This time we went to Asbestos Valley by the Monster in Jerusalem. It was were the border of Jordan and Israel once was, making it a buffer ground for so many years. The Jerusalem Council decided to make it a park and clean it up, so that's were our group came in. We helped (like many groups before us) to clean this valley. It was hard work trying to mulch even a small terrace, after cleaning out all the trash from it. After our hard work we set up a fire and made pita! It was soo tasty, by far my favorite thing to eat and make. It reminded me of K'far Teva (nature village) from Eisner. 
     At the end of the pita making/eating, we got picked up and made our way to Noa's house. Once we got there, we hung out for a bit, made a cake and went to her friend's house for her birthday! We met up with all the kids Rachel and I met last time, and had a really fun time hanging out and dressing up! It's Purim tomorrow, and she had all these costumes which all the boys decided to try on. It was a really funny night. Today we woke up pretty late and made pancakes. We also started cutting boxes while watching Grey's Anatomy with her parents. We were cutting the boxes to put treats in them so she could give her friends for Purim. We also made Hummantashins ... or however you spell it. All I can say was this weekend was very relaxing, and I had a fun time! 

1 comment:

  1. awww
    i miss k'far teva pita!!!
    sounds like you are still having a completely amazing time bek!
    miss you!
